Shop And Do Good
At the Same Time.
I Believe Passionately in Giving Back.
10% of all profits from this store go to help visionary organizations who are working to create a better future for our world. 10% of the profits are divided between two incredible organizations: Pencils for Promise and the Wildlife Conservation Society. For the Dog Lovers collection, 10% will go to help and support dogs in need.
Pencils of Promise.
All of the money donated to them online goes to help children in need all over the world. They have currently built 429 schools, helping almost 75,000 children. They work with local leaders in the countries they serve and work with the utmost integrity.
Wildlife Conservation Society.
This organization was founded in 1895 and works to conserve upwards of 2 million square miles of wild places around the globe. They are based at the Bronx Zoo, and maintain approximately 500 conservation projects in 65 countries with over 200 PhD scientists on staff. It the four famous New York city wildlife parks - the Bronx Zoo, Queens Zoo, Prospect Park Zoo and the New York Aquarium.